The Bert Show is a nationally syndicated radio show that plays every weekday morning on Q100 Radio Station. I was an intern for the show in the Fall of 2014, working under Social Media Director Cassie Young.
As an intern, I wrote and published online articles, as well as on-air content focused on city news headlines from the show’s 6 major syndicated cities. Each week, I submitted personal topics as potential on-air content, and I even got to join in on the discussion a couple times. I also chose content from online and through the call center to play on-air and represented Q100 at major city events, like the Atlanta Pride Parade.
Bert Show interns play an important role in making sure everything is set up for the talent in terms of current events and EBuzz content. As an intern, it was also my responsibility to pay attention during the show and write down what was said, so that Bert, Kristen, or anyone could look back on the transcript and use it for future segments. Interns are there to support everyone during the show, so whatever they needed is what we did.
Word, Google Docs, and email were all essential to this job. I kept all three open during the show, so I could always write something down or respond quickly with the information someone needed. I also became familiar with the best local news sources for our syndicated cities, so I could keep up with current events to use as content. It was essential to stay in the know on pop culture as well, so I began reading entertainment magazines and following them on social media.